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Discover the Heart of Our Platform

Curious about who we are and why we started Inluminance? Allow me to share our story and mission with you.

Founder's Story

My name is Willow McIntosh, Founder of Inluminance. This is my story about why I embarked on a mission to create a solution for High Sensory professionals and the people they are born to serve.

After many years of trying to build businesses, I lost everything in the recession of 2008. Having to resort to living in a cabin in a field in Sussex in the UK, I made a promise to the night sky I would dedicate my life to honouring my purpose and understand what it truly meant to be a high sensory person. On stating this intention a shooting star flew across my field of vision. Coincidence or not, this was all the confirmation I needed.

I began to dedicate my time to getting the training and experience I needed to understand an innate ability and fascination I had always had. The ability to read and understand the truth of potential in others. An ability I had been using throughout my professional career, yet never truly owned.

For several years I trained relentlessly to understand how my own high sensory intelligence worked through me. How my own channel allowed me to read the deeper energetic fabric of people and organisations. 

I began to realise that my calling and purpose was to help other high sensory people access and align with their innate abilities to do the same. I began to utilise my own facilitation abilities to train and facilitate. Soon attaining many thousand of hours of experience training high sensory people.

The result lead to the emergence of the high sensory method. A series of foundations that applied to all high sensory people. The revelation of their own fascination directly supported by the way they personally read the sensory world around them more deeply. Coupled with their own life path, they were quickly able to see that they all had a life time of experience in their own area of expertise.

As a result the Inluminance training programs emerged, allowing us to train a wide range of high sensory people in their own field of expertise. Leading to a new movement dedicated to shifting the trait of high sensitivity into high sensory intelligence. To help bring this natural and powerful part of the human genome, dedicated to balance and awakening into service in the world. To provide coaching, facilitation, therapy and leadership training to all walks of life.

If you are a high sensory person yourself and want to find out more about how you can reveal how your own purpose, I invite you to book a discovery call here. Or if you want to find out if you were born with the trait, you can take our quiz here. If you have questions, want to share your story, or simply say hello, feel free to reach out to us at 

Let’s embark on this journey of empowering as many high sensory people as we can into aligned actions and service, with Inluminance lighting the way.

Empowering Personal and Professional Growth

We are passionate about connecting people and organisations with the guidance and support they need to reach their full potential. Our mission is to make the power of High Sensory Intelligence accessible to everyone.

Our platform was founded after many years of facilitating the High Sensory Trait. Training high levels of intuition, empathy and perception in a broad range of fields. Depending on individual life experience, a trained High Sensory professional has the ability to read more deeply into the fabric of highly specific areas of life and the human experience.

We understand the profound advantage the trait brings to coaching, leadership and therapy. Intended to be in symbiotic relationship with the world, we’ve created a space to give you access to High Sensory specialists. Whatever your need, personally or professionally Inluminance will support you to achieve the transformation you are looking for.

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