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Sabrina Rock, PhD

Sabrina Rock, PhD


Product Description

Dr. Rock is transpersonal psychologist and integral researcher. Her own transformative experience in coming to understand what it means to have sensory processing sensitivity was the catalyst for her dissertation research on the transformative experiences of highly sensitive people. The focus of her current work is bringing awareness about sensory processing sensitivity to those in helping professions so that they can better serve their clients and improve their own work/life balance.

Empowering Sensitive People Coaching and Consulting provides workshops and trainings for teachers, counselors, therapists, and others in helping professions to increase their knowledge about sensory processing sensitivity so that they can better serve their students and clients. What clients discover is that the environment that best supports highly sensitive people can be beneficial for everyone. Dr. Rock also offers coaching to help HSPs and others to gain self-awareness, reduce stress, improve relationships, and engage in restorative self-care practices. Coaching for friends, partners, and family members including group sessions is also available.