Product Description
Rikke Hartmann-Bossen, Coach/therapist/facilitator
My mission is to empower people to reach their full potential by connecting them with their inner resources, gifts and unlocking their true genius and true nature. I do this by offering various forms of guidance including teaching, coaching, facilitation, and therapy, helping you to harness your innate abilities and express them confidently.
Through our work, we aim to increase your courage and desire to be STRONG both inside and outside, living a life of integrity that aligns with your true nature.
My ultimate goal is to help people find balance, become valuable assets in their respective fields, and contribute to the greater good at your highest and best.
This is the journey to set yourself free with an inner power from where you communicate, set boundaries, and make choices. Letting your potential and genius/talents flow. Feeling reunited and whole able to listen to, trust and use your intuition.
Especially ‘resourceful and high sensory women who often has had relationship(s) with narcissists or alike and are ready to finally regain their power, feel WORTHY and STRONG in themselves and in life´.
Geographical area: I work globally – and have done that for +25 years
Languages: English, Danish and “Scandinvian”
My why; is ‘to empower people to have the courage to become and share who they are meant to be’.
My story – see website.
Some of my natural gifts are to create a calm, safe and loving space being fully present (rapport +healing energy). Sensing the deeper/bigger picture in the person(s). Synchronizing nervous systems. Immediately receiving hypotheses/signals about traumas and resources from childhood. Intuitively connecting the dots. Listening deeply. And lots of drive and inspiration!
Allowing STRONG process to happen
SEE IT – awareness of your patterns, dialogues, thoughts, feelings.
THINK ABOUT IT – clarity by exploring; what you tolerated, patterns
RECOGNIZE and HONOR – own your story; what is and was – let go and normalize
OBSERVE!! – what is here now and what wants to come. Feel your longings, needs, gifts
NEW PATTERNS – discover and act from what is true and important for you. Choose you!
GROUNDING and GROW – Set yourself free! Love yourself for who you are with all your imperfections. Solid in your essence.
Just be YOU and live from that inner power and knowing. Reunited and fully your true nature.
I will be your guide and facilitator – hold the space for you to transform!
Being a person with a huge amount of lived experiences and traumas
I truly know what transformation and healing is all about.
I have made my life harder and more difficult than it had to be. My inner judge and criticism has been tough. I was an expert in doing the right things (or trying to), be perfect, pleasing people and to adapt! Self-sabotage well-known and combining that with narcissists in my life made me alert 24/7.
Others saw me as Full of energy, happy, strong, inspiring, funny, super performer, succeeding home and in business, which is also true. As in my former corporate career as Sales Development Manager and Global HR Development Manager and the last 14 years as self employeed coach, facilitator etc for Leaders and Executives and people who has been in narcissistic relationships.
I always speak from my heart to yours – with heart energy. I see myself as a guide and facilitator who helps you on your journey through coaching, therapy and an open channel for the bigger and spiritual world. Clear sentient and high sensory intelligence makes me process all data deeply both with and from all the senses from all around and above us. People often say that the energy I provide must be experienced (some call it magic). It is healing, energies, spirituality, humanity, compassion, and high ethics. And many years of coaching and facilitating leaders in Corporate which I still do. They love progress and so do I. I used to be a leader for more than 15 years.
Customers and client say:
You are sharp and understand both the deep human side as well as the business, you see the holistic view and connect the dots.
Your listening abilities are special, your presence which gives clarity and awareness as well as centering and grounding feeling. Sensing resources and make people stand tall and own their resources and meet doubt which is healing and empowering. Always feeling safe and energized.
Authenticity and presence, knowledge, experience, strong intuition and sensing, a spirituality and a strong will to meet you where you are and be part of your transformation – that’s what I can offer you.
Special Offers
I offer a discovery call which will be on zoom.
If you are Danish I also have a free guide ‘5 trin til at stÃ¥ værdigt og STÆRKT i dig selv efter relation med narcissist’ on my website.