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Elisha May

Elisha May


Product Description

I am a Spiritual Freedom Coach and Creative.

I absolutely LOVE and LIVE for what I do; helping others to find their authentic selves, to get into alignment with their heart and soul; to find freedom. To feel that expansion and flow within themselves, reconnecting and owning what’s important to them. To finally break away from that gilded cage that society and others put upon us with their unhelpful words and needs.

I want you to experience Freedom of Self, to BE who you ARE in the world. Because you deserve to show up as yourself, not any other version. Just YOU! The Divine version of you.

I also have my energy paintings for sale and share blogs from the heart.

Please book a discovery call with me if you want to find out more, to find your truth, by finding out what your values and needs are, what your soul wants; so you can show up in the world, the REAL version of YOU that you have always known in your heart and soul to be true and real. Let’s make it happen!

Dedicated to help those who are soul-conscious, high sensory and ready to live in alignment with their truth and find their soul purpose. To live a life of empowerment, embracing your FREEDOM OF SELF, being your authentic-self in this world, owning your unique gifts and abilities. 

I have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by so many that have chosen the conventional route, suppressed by others around them, and feel this hasn’t enabled them to always remain in their truth and connection with Self (that inner knowing), which is living from a place of complete freedom to be you. 

Co-founder and co-host of the High Sensory People Podcast.

Available on request to coach you through the High Sensory Coaching Program and Identity Journey.